Incarnated Angels Incarnated Elemental & Star Seed



Earth Angels Quiz by Doreen Virtue


The following is a quiz from Doreen Virtue's book "Earth Angels." For each statement decide if it's true or false. Scoring below.


1. I tend to easily put on extra weight, or I'm currently overweight.


2. My past or current love partners are addicts or alcoholics.


3. I rarely break a rule.


4. I have a hard time saying no.


5. I highlight, color, or bleach my hair.

6. I would prefer to help someone one-on-one, rather than in a group setting.

7. Truth to be told, I like animals or plants much better than I like people.

8. I have Celtic origins, or I look Celtic (that is, I have reddish hair, or a ruddy complexion).

9. I constantly play practical jokes.

10.I'm quite the mischief maker, and seem to have a persitent twinkle in my eyes.

11.I'm fiercely independent and don't like following rules or authority.

12.My finances seem to be either feast or famine.

13.I don't like being the center of attention, and I'm usually a wallflower at social functions.

14.I've always believed in, or been interested in ET's or UFO's.

15.I'm compulsively thoughtful toward people, whether they express appreciation or not.

16.I conduct Reiki or other forms of energy or hands-on-healing.

17.My life's mission is more important than getting married and having children.

18.I really would like to go home now, because I know that Earth isn't my home.

19.I had a life-changing experience, such as a serious accident or near-death experience.

20.In the past, I was so miserable that I wanted to die and seriously considered (or attempted) suicide.

21.I have changed my first name, or I am strongly considering doing so.

22.My family and friends remark, "You're different now. There's something about you that's not the same."

23.I have made, or am making, drastic changes to many areas of my life simultaneously (such as moving, changing jobs, and divorcing) all at once.

24.I have deep spiritual knowledge that didn't come from any books or teachers.

25.Even though I know I'm different from other people, I still enjoy the company of others and get along pretty well with most people.

26.I know that I have magical abilities, which are untapped right now.

27.I have strong past-life memories or interestes concerning Arthurian or Atlantean times.

28.I believe that I was burned at the stake, or killed in some other way, during the witch hunts or Inquisition.

29.I have studied Tarot cards or astrology.

30.I'm very drawn toward Earth-based spirituality, such as shamanism or full-moon ceremonies.


SCORING: The number of TRUE answers that you noted may reveal which realm you're from. Count the number of TRUE answers for each successive grouping of six questions, beginning with the first six.


~For example, if you answered four or more TRUE's to question 1 through 6, then you're probably an INCARNATED ANGEL. (That is, the more questions you answered TRUE to, the more likely you are fit into this category).


~If you answered four or more TRUE's to question 7 through 12, then you're probably an INCARNATED ELEMENTAL.


~If you responded TRUE four or more times to question 13 through 18, then you're most likely a STARPERSON.


~If you had four or more TRUE answers to questions 19 through 24, then you're probably a WALK-IN.


~If you answered TRUE four or more times to questions 25 through 30, then you're most likely a WISE ONE.





Are You An Earth Angel?

by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D



Author's Note: The information I’m presenting is merely a description of the personality-related, behavioral, and physical characteristics of angels, similar to the type of information found in astrology books. Those who are Earth Angels will relate to the concepts in this book; however, others may misunderstand or even object to the material herein. My intention is to help and to heal, but sometimes such actions create controversy.

Do you feel different from other people, as if you were dropped off on this planet and wonder when someone’s coming to take you home? If so, then you may be an Earth Angel. If you have a passion and talent for healing, teaching, or helping others, yet you yourself have substance-abuse problems, weight issues, relationship challenges, and the like, then you may be an Earth Angel. If you’re highly sensitive and you abhor violence in any form, then you may very well be an Earth Angel!

An Earth Angel is a soul with non-Earthly origins. Although all souls originate from the same Divine source, our environment and personal history often shape our personalities and physical characteristics. For instance, those who spend most of their time surfing at tropical beaches will have different looks and mannerisms than people who hole up in their inner-city offices every day.

Similarly, all of the lives you’ve previously lived have impacted you. And, just as your physical family-of-origin influences you, so does your soul’s family-of-origin shape your looks, behavior, and even your life’s purpose. Again, the inside of everyone is the same: a beautiful, pristine spark of Divine light. However, as a lightworker, your spark of light may have spent time in heavenly realms far from our Earth. Those lifetimes that you’ve logged in the angelic realm, the elemental kingdom, or on other planets have influenced who you are today. Although you inhabit a human body, your soul feels like a traveler in a foreign country—because that is, in essence, what you are.

The term Earth Angels is not to be confused with Incarnated Angels, which is one of the five groups of Earth Angels. By learning about your spiritual realm of origin, you’ll understand more about your personality, behavior, and individual quirks. As I mentioned, this is similar to the way our astrological sun signs group us into meaningful categories.

You may discover that you’re an Incarnated Angel or Elemental; a Starperson whose past lives have been extraterrestrial (ET); a Walk-In; or a Wise One, which is a reincarnated Sorceress, High-Priestess, or Wizard. You’re a seasoned service worker called into action—an Earth Angel. You may have had past lives on Earth as an Incarnated Angel, Elemental, and such, yet you forgot these incarnations, believing that your past lives were human.


My Early Work with Earth Angels


I first accessed information about Earth Angels through my private practice, where I gave angel, mediumship, and psychic readings. My clients usually consisted of lightworkers who were procrastinating with respect to accomplishing their life’s mission.

I’ll never forget the first Earth Angel I identified during a session. As I scanned her shoulders, looking at her aura and spirit guides, I saw a large artery-like pole extending upward from her left shoulder. As I looked to see where the pole was attached, I gasped. There, spinning above her, was a hovering spacecraft! I had never had any interests in UFOs or ETs and actually found the whole subject frightening. I hesitated to tell this woman what I saw, but I’d learned to trust my visions and to faithfully deliver them verbatim to my clients. I’d found that, even if I didn’t understand the visions, my clients usually did.

So I inhaled deeply and blurted out, "I see what may be a spacecraft hovering above you."

"Oh, yes," my client replied matter-of-factly. "It’s been with me my whole life." This floored me. However, I listened with an open mind as she explained that the ship was her ever-present guide and protector, watching over her and giving her information when needed. She reported having visited the ship during dreamtime sojourns.

Soon after, I saw several other clients with this same extraterrestrial connection. I’ve always been one to notice personality and behavioral patterns, so I soon noted that my "Starperson clients" had similar aura colors, facial features, relationship patterns, and life missions.


Discovering the Other Realms


Much of the esoteric information that I receive comes from my own guides and angels, who give me messages while I’m sleeping or during readings or meditations. Through these means, I was told of the other soul-group incarnations to look for in my clients and audience members.

First, I studied the Incarnated Angels. These men and women have angelic faces, heavyset bodies, histories of co-dependent relationships, and are professional helpers. Laurie is a quintessential Incarnated Angel. She’s a very sweet and attractive blonde nurse with a large, curvy figure and a heart-shaped face. After years of trying to help her alcoholic husband get sober, Laurie finally made the painful decision to divorce him. Now she’s searching for a way to transfer her natural healing abilities to a private practice.

I next noticed the group called the Incarnated Elementals. Jayne is a typical member of this clan. With red hair styled in a pixie cut, and a thin, lanky body, Jayne looks like someone who’d wear green elf shoes with curled toes and bell toppings. She’s a professional dog groomer and an avid animal-rights advocate who broke off her engagement because her fiancé wanted to move away from the mountains where she grew up.

"He planned to move to the city," Jayne explained. "I’d shrivel up and die if I didn’t live near nature—especially if I moved to the city, where trees are practically nonexistent."

The next group that I studied were the Walk-Ins. I’d read about Walk-Ins in Ruth Montgomery’s books, but the topic wasn’t on my mind when I began noticing this group of Earth Angels. A Walk-In is usually a highly enlightened soul who’s decided to bypass the usual route of being born and then growing up into an adult body. Instead, the soul negotiates with a human who’s unhappy about living on Earth and who’s seriously contemplating suicide. Through a lengthy procedure (described in Chapter 6 of the book), the souls exchange places.

Shanti was the first person I met who I was pretty certain was a Walk-In. She didn’t remember the soul exchange where her old soul "walked out" and her present soul "walked in"; all she remembers is waking up in the hospital following a car accident. After she recovered physically, her friends and family members frequently remarked, "You’re so different now!" Shanti felt as if she were living in the wrong movie. Nothing seemed to fit—not her job, friends, or home. Even her name, which was Robin at the time, seemed all wrong. Over the next year, she changed her first name, quit her job, and moved to New Mexico. Her family still doesn’t understand, but Shanti now feels like her life makes sense.

For many years, I assumed that these four categories were the only realms from which Earth Angels originated: Incarnated Angels, Elementals, Starpersons,and Walk-Ins. When I’d discuss these categories with my spiritual counseling students, about 80 percent of them acknowledged an affinity to one of the four groups. I’d even have the students gather into groups with their spiritual clan members. I’d see them crying, laughing together, and exclaiming, "Really? You, too? I’m just like that!" as they swapped stories of Earth life from the perspective of their realm.

But there were always some students who couldn’t relate to any of the categories. "What about us humans?" they’d ask.

My son, Grant, finally supplied the answer. He was attending my Angel Therapy Practitioner certification course in North Miami, giving a brief talk to the class about using candles in rituals and incantations. Grant had been studying Wiccan spirituality for some time, and he had a wealth of knowledge to share. At the end of his talk, he turned to the audience and said, "I know what the fifth category of incarnated lightworkers is. . . . I know, because I’m from this category. It’s those of us who are Reincarnated Wizards, High-Priestesses, Witches, Sorcerers, and Sorceresses."

A collective gasp rose from the audience, followed by exclamations of, "Yes! That makes so much sense!" and "That’s what I am!" Grant’s assessment rang true, and it truly struck a chord with the class participants.

Since then, I’ve studied and interviewed many people from this group, whom I now call the Wise Ones. Whenever I lecture or write about the topic, I receive confirmation that this powerful group of lightworkers relates to this category.

Phyllis typifies the members of this group whom I’ve met and interviewed. She has an oval face and large eyes whose faraway stare speaks of someone who sees beyond the physical universe. She wears her hair long, and she has an elegant, almost regal, demeanor. When Phyllis saw the movies The Mists of Avalon, The Lord of the Rings, and Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, she immediately related to the ancient, magical skills that she’d once possessed. Phyllis also knows that she was burned at the stake for being a witch in a prior life.


The Earth Angels’ Vital Mission


Not everyone is an Earth Angel, of course—for this role, God called in the biggest and brightest sparks of light for the transition to the New Age of Peace. Those humans who aren’t Earth Angels are living lives purely for their own growth, rest, or enjoyment. They may seem dense or decidedly unspiritual, yet they’re Divine sparks of life, too. Their lives have simply been dedicated to human, Earthly concerns.

If you’re an Earth Angel, then you’re a powerful lightworker with a legacy of healing and miracles behind and in front of you. You accepted your Divine assignment to come to Earth and spread your teachings and healing energies. How has your assignment been so far? If you’ve had difficulty adjusting to Earthly life, then you’ll probably find answers, comfort, and guidance by remembering your spiritual origin.


What Are Earth Angels?

Doreen describes Earth Angels as those lightworkers who have come to the planet to help it and all its inhabitants to evolve. Earth Angels come in a variety of "forms" such as Incarnated Elementals or Wise Ones, which are listed below.

But how do you know if you are an Earth Angel? Some of the characteristics are listed below:

Feeling different, separate or disconnected from others.

Sensitivity to people, chemicals or violence.

A strong sense of purpose.

Problems with manifesting abundance or relationships.

Looking younger than your chronological years.

A ringing sound in one ear (which is high level communication that is "unintelligible).

Strangers telling you their problems.

"There's no use in pretending or lying to Wise Ones, because truth is apparent to them."You Might Be a Wise One If You...
Can affect the weather.
Are highly opinionated in a helpful way.
Are fascinated with the ancient esoteric cultures of Egypt, Greece, Atlantis, or Mayan.
Enjoy or have studied shamanism, astrology, wicca, alchemy kabbalistic healing or other ancient systems of healing and information.
Are good at manifesting, intuition and healing.
Have an aversion to the times of the Inquisition and witch burning
Have an affinity for the elemental world.
Are solemn, and serious.
Are highly sensitive to moon phases.

"Those whom they help barely notice them, yet Starpeople don't perform acts of service in order to gain accolades.Starpeople originally come from other planets and galaxies but have incarnated on Earth with a mission to spread kindness. They may express a yearning for their home planet and have a connection with star groups like the Pleiades or Sirius.

Physical characteristics of starpeople include exotic, almond or inverted U-shaped eyes. Males may be tall and have a thin frame. Interests of starpeople include UFOs, technology, and electronic devices. They have a rainbow aura and often work as energy healers.

"You Might Be A Starperson If You...
Feel like no one notices or acknowledges you for your good deeds.
Have visions of spaceships hovering above you.
Are eager to assist others but are a bit detached or "cool to others."
Love technology.
Prefer an intuitive sense of spirituality over a religious form.
Have a fascination with certain star systems such as the Pleiades, Andromeda or Sirius.
Are sensitive to crowds, people and places.
Love symbols, codes, runes, and sacred geometry.
Are task-oriented over relationship-oriented.
Are extra sensitive to and abhor violence.
Living near water is a must.

"When you look into the eyes of a Mystic Angel, you see compassion."You Might Be A Hybrid If You...
You may feel like you resonated to more than one of these realms of Earth Angels. If so, you may be a combination of two or more. Below are some of the more common combinations and their characteristics.

BTW..if you're wondering...I'm a mystic angel.

Mystic Angels: Combination of Wise Ones and Angels. Loving, helpful and caring AND street-wise instead of overly trusting. They still appreciate rules but because they value order and organization. They are healers AND know-it-alls, with a better sense of giving and receiving.

Knights Paladin: Also half Wise One and Half Angel, but the Wise One part is a knight...those who fight for just causes and to defend the weaker. They are truthful, orderly, and can keep a secret.

Mystic Stars: Blend of Starpeople and Wise Ones. Natural born teachers who bring universal knowledge to Earth. Their teachings have global purpose of inspiring world peace.

Leprechauns: Half Wise Ones and half Incarnated Elementals. They have the wisdom that comes from living on the Earth for many lifetimes, down to earth practical approach to living, wicked sense of humor and a deep sense of connection to nature.

Merpeople: Half Incarnated Angel and half Incarnated Elemental. These people often have long curly red or red-tinted hair, have to live near the ocean and are passionate about birds, whale, dolphins and other marine life. They are often thirsty and need to drink water constantly.

Lightworkers are people who feel in their souls a divine, global mission to help the world through love, education, higher consciousness, and healing.

Those who advocate for love, light, and planetary well-being have been characteristically recognized to have certain common traits that fall naturally into groups

Other forms of starpeople also have indigo auras, and are crystal children in recent years there are new children that have rainbow auras there called rainbow children. Indigo children have ADD ADHD and are warriors. Crystals come after indigos and are here to promote peace and tranquility. If lightworkers feel they don't fit into one of the other Earth angel realms, they may possibly be a hybrid, shapeshifter, or evolving soul. Hybrid realms include the blended mystic angels (half wise one and half incarnated angel) and star-mers (half starperson and half merperson) for example.

Leprechauns (half wise one and half incarnated elemental) like to be silly sometimes and serious other times; they tend to wear green or earth-tone colors and enjoy telling stories and playing practical jokes.

Merpeople, also of the blended realms, have an affinity to water, tend to have long, red hair, have greenish eyes, and love animals like dolphins, whales, seahorses, and dragonflies.

The Knights Paladin is an Earth angel realm that represents the protective side of angels. They are fascinated with knights, armor, the Round Table and Arthurian legend and often work in the armed services or police force. Famous Knight Paladins are Michael, Uriel, Chamuel, Gabriel and Ariel.

Shapeshifters are dabblers that try different realms, learning what they can from each and bringing gifts of joy to others. Evolving souls also move on to various realms not fully identifying with one group but are aware they have a divine purpose.

For believers, these groups are not meant to create a belief of separation. The purpose is to help lightworkers feel more comfortable about their personalities, behaviors, and desires to be of assistance.

Discovering qualities of Earth angels may allow lightworkers to gain a sense of identity and understanding as they attempt to figure out their personal and spiritual purposes. There are also Otherkins that are creatures or mytical creatures in human form but there souls are not human at all. There incarnated dragons, vamps, chimera, minotaur, centaur, unicorns, merpeople, faes, and such that work with earths energies and know that they are different and not human.

"When you look into the eyes of an elemental you see twinkles of mischief or playfulness."You Might Be An

Incarnated Elemental If You...
Like to play practical jokes.
Prone to addictions.
Might have reddish hair and a Celtic appearance (ruddish complexion).
Love to party.
Are fiery and passionate.
Prefer the company of plants and animals to people.
Can't stand rules or people who abide by them.
Are reluctant healers or helpers.
Can easily manifest abundance or the complete opposite.
Prefer play over hard work.
Can't stand being indoors very long.
Prefer not to have clothes on.
Prefer outdoor jobs such as leading nature hikes, forest rangers, gardening, dog-walking
Love working with gems, crystals and other stones.
You have a high degree of creativity.
Do well in dance, theater, comedy, poetry, publishing, motivational speaking and performance arts.
Love to laugh, play and be silly.
Elementals love music and dancing
If you're an elemental, get up and groove!

"When you look into the eyes of an incarnated angel, you see sweet, pure, unconditional love."You Might Be An Incarnated Angel If You...
Have a sweet, heart-shaped face.
Say "I'm sorry" a lot.
"Look" like an angel (whether male or female).
Have overeating or weight issues.
Gravitate to the helping fields of nursing, teaching, counselors, or healing.
Lighten or highlight your hair.
Are very trusting of people.
Feel guilty saying no to others.
Seem to glow with a large aura.
Fall in love with someone's potential and try to coach them to greatness.
Tend to have codependent relationships with addicts and alcoholics.
Stay in relationships much longer than a normal person might.
Love following rules and don't like them broken.
Are really good at giving, but not at receiving.


What is a Lightworker? Source:

Lightworker (now-n);Any being dedicated to the cultivation of inner presence and the elevation of awareness in self and other selves. This being is called a lightworker and is an evolutionary step toward a state of "LightBeing"
What's happening in the world?
There is an awakening happening all around the world. And that awakening involves you and every being that exists on our lovely home planet, mother earth. We are truly entering a renaissance of spiritual evolution, an evolutionary process that proceeds and transcends the physical. Our wisdom stems from coming to understand how little we conceptually know about life, god, the universe and everything, and embracing the fundamental truth of inherent divinity within all life.

What is a Lightworker?
Everyone is a Lightworker whether they know it at all. Just as truth is truth whether anyone knows it or not. The real question arises then, "Am I aware of who I am?" Behind all labels, behind all self created illusions of mind and ego, or social dogmas and masks, there lies the truth, the answer to that question. Just as the Sun shines bright both day and night, it is only the movement of the planet and clouds that obscure it from view. But the sun is always shining. A Lightworker is awake to this truth, aware of their true presence and living in accordance with the divine plan. All beings that exist are a channel between eternal, formless heaven and the temporary world of form and illusion, earth. Why am I here? One does not always need to consciously realize the answer to this question, but living your life purpose is achievable in every moment, right now. Sit in peaceful contemplation, in pure awareness. Allow yourself to be present in every moment and feel within the depths of your heart for your inner truth, your guidance. The work is easy and the burden is light. Your true essence of being is so vast, it is beyond any concept, any word, thought or form. A Lightworker then is any being, who is aware of their true non-dual nature, their eternal "I Am" Presence and acting in accordance with it. A Lightworker is active in enlightenment, or in cultivating enlightenment.

What is Lightworking?
Just as the sun rises each morning, to shine its light into the world, so it is with lightworking. To walk upon the face of the planet lightly, light in spirit and bearing, and shine love, happiness, tranquillity and peace into the world. To calm the inner turmoil, to just be, and be at one with who you truly are, to love and honour life as an expression of divinity, to love all that is, that power some call god, and of course to love one and other unconditionally. In being true to the divine presense within all beings, and releasing all false thought forms, all masks and illusions, is the essence of lightworking. In this lightworking emanates love, happiness, joy, faith, hope and inspiration into the inner and outer world. This not only helps to awaken the lightworker, but also to awaken others to their own natural state. What can be called enlightenment, what may be called ascension. A Lightworkers divine mission then comes to life, as one enters the flow of creation and maintains the presence of awareness without being caught up in the turmoil of the creation. This is done in the service of all. For all beings (self included), all the time.

What does a Lightworker do?
All life exists for a sacred purpose. A Lightworker, that is a being, aware of their true presence, their inner awareness and non-dual nature then becomes a vehicle for divine activation. This role is a very simple and a natural one. When the illusionary self is dissolved into the true sense of being, the IAM presence, a being begins to shine and resonate this mandala field of pure state bliss. The transition starts from Lightworker to Light Being. This activation can occur anywhere, in any situation, in all places, roles and demographics, from the mother at home to the soldier in the military, even in the depths of the darkest regions of human nature this blossoming occurs. It can be slow, or instant. It has been this way for eternity. For all the people, all the time. All for one and one for all. This is the effortless state of being, devoid of all grasping, all seeking. This is existence under a blue sky, and bright sunshine, exposing all to the life giving energies of our divine source.

What is the Light Energy?
Light Energy has many names. Some names include, the oriental Chi, Yin and Yang, the Indian Prana, and the Greek Aether. The light Energy pervades all. It encompasses all things. It is of the source, but not the source. It is the flow itself. It is the essence of all things. The primordial essence of spirit before it manifest into form. It is from where all things emanate, and all things return. It is the stuff of stars and the stuff of souls. We see it, and experience it in this material world as both form/matter and energy vibration. We experience it as thought and emotions. All these things are waves on the primordial ocean, resonating in various frequencies. All energy is frequency, and all frequency is harmony. Everything before you now is connected through frequency. The sounds you hear.. Do Re MI Fa So La Ti DO.. to the light you see.. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Magenta, Violet, RED, winding its way up through the frequencies. Even the course elements of matter are connected to this harmony H,He,Li,Be,B,C,N. Each is the same, just operating on a different frequency, at a different harmonic. All is Light.. All is Energy. And its master is divine consciousness. We are constantly, directing spirit into form, thought, actions and endeavours. The question arises. "From what level of consciousness to I create?" This will determine the results and experiences of life. Each being, operates in various levels of consciousness. Yet when creation emanates from the source itself, free from resistance and obstruction, divine will manifests. Heaven is made manifest on earth. The cards are stacked for growth and learning. We will be guided by angels or pushed by demons.

Where do I start?
Being a Lightworker is both very easy and very hard. How hard is it to be the real you? Are you prepared to let go of everything? Think of who you will be when all form and material life is gone. That is the real you. Are you prepared to forgive and release all? There is nothing you must do, it's all about what you no longer need to do. To stop hiding, to face the true awesome reality of who and what you are, free from all illusions. Are you a thinking, breathing, centered person? Do you control your ego, or does your ego control you? Do you live in a state of awareness or reaction? Where are you looking for your answers? Within or without? These are all serious questions we must contemplate and come to accept for ourselves.. To "Know Thy Self" beyond mind, beyond ego, beyond words is the first and only step.

Is there anything else I can do?
Once the flow of creation is embraced, great energy is released, life becomes the adventure it truly was meant to be. What needs to be done, will present itself in every moment. All that needs to be accomplished, resolved and understood, will be. Be present, be still within the vortex of creation, in humble awe. We are all children of the one source, we are all babes. Take time out, take it easy, awaken and reconnect within yourself at your own pace. Take nothing personaly. Meditation, practicing awareness, observing your thoughts and mind flow are all stages of re-awakening to your true enlightened nature. Allow it to happen just as a flower opens itself to the sunshine each day, so too will you blossom when the time is right. Remember, in this creative experience, this world of perpetual change and form, everything is a perfect manifestation in relation to the consciousness that is creating it. The world is a mirror. Every moment brings with it a perfect experience that is tailored by you, for you. Learn from it. For many, this can be a hard truth to face.

Are Lightworkers religious?
Lightworkers are not bound by any religion or ideology. If you are part of a religious organization then so be it. That's just perfect for you. But in this world of form, change is inevitable. Lightworkers are not a religious ideology. There is a vast difference between spirituality and religion. Many religions formed to assist the process of re-awakening in practitioners and adherents. They can all point the way, but only serve as tools and methods. The tools used to build the house, are not the house.

What about God?
There is no concept that can define God. That power some call God is the source of all. It is the over arching divine consciousness that guides and directs all life in form and non form. We know God by knowing our true selves. We do not need to consciously understand, rationalize or define God for God to be real. Like us, God Just IS. We accept there is great power in who we are, and the processes of how we each came to be. Yet each is free to formulate their own interpretation of what that power is, yet to do so may prove futile. HOwever we can come to understand aspects of God. LIke the fact that God pervades each and everyone of us, exists both within us, around us and is intricately connected to us. God works, with us and through us and for that we honor and love God through divine service and existing in a state of least resistance to God. We honor the process and honor our own role within it. To see through the illusionary nature of form and see clearly each and every beings, non dual nature. To see the God aspect in each other, and to love God.

What about Ascended Masters, Messiahs & Prophets?
Each are free to follow their inspirational hero's and teachers throughout history. And each should never fear to question, rationalize, or reason. But realize the ever changing nature of thought. Go within to the source for guidance. Believe what you will, but do so in deep consultation with the inner master. In Spiritual teachings you will surely find wisdom, in your questions you will find reason, and in your doubts, you will find learning and growth. But in awareness you will find the only perspective that truly matters.

Shine on. Love always..



Earth Angel Realms Five Categories of Incarnated Lightworkers

 By Alice Landry

Over the course of her years as a spiritual teacher, Doreen Virtue has noticed similarities and traits of lightworkers that she's classified into realms of Earth angels.

Lightworkers are people who feel in their souls a divine, global mission to help the world through love, education, higher consciousness, and healing.

Those who advocate for love, light, and planetary well-being have been characteristically recognized to have certain common traits that fall naturally into groups. These tendencies have been categorized into Earth angel realms by Dr. Doreen Virtue.

Earth Angel Realm - Incarnated Angels

Lightworkers who have come to the Earth as incarnated angels may have distinct characteristics such heart-shaped faces and light or blonde colored hair. They tend to be calm, patient, and prudent with respect to obeying rules and regulations.

Incarnated angels often have collections of angel memorabilia such as angelic statues, jewelry and books. In the workforce, they seek jobs in the service professions like counselors, teachers, and nurses. They usually apologize often and attract codependent relationships.

Earth Angel Realm - Incarnated Elementals

From long wavy, fairy-like hair to short pixie-cut hair, incarnated elementals can vary as much as the type of nature spirits in the elemental kingdom. They tend to have passionate, fiery personalities and love to laugh, play, and be silly.

Incarnated elementals have an affinity for nature, environmentalism, and the outdoors. With their addictive tendencies, they may enjoy alcoholic beverages and partying. An ideal job for an incarnated elemental would be a comedian, actor, or musician.

Earth Angel Realm - Starpeople

Starpeople originally come from other planets and galaxies but have incarnated on Earth with a mission to spread kindness. They may express a yearning for their home planet and have a connection with star groups like the Pleiades or Sirius.

Physical characteristics of starpeople include exotic, almond or inverted U-shaped eyes. Males may be tall and have a thin frame. Interests of starpeople include UFOs, technology, and electronic devices. They have a rainbow aura and often work as energy healers.

Earth Angel Realm - Wise Ones

The realm of the wise ones includes humans who were once practitioners such as shamans, witches, wizards, and high priestesses. They feel a connection to Earth-based religions and philosophies like Wicca. Profoundly wise and highly intuitive, they tend to have a solemn and serious demeanor.

As a way to honor their true lineage, they may have the desire to wear Renaissance or goddess-like garb and are attracted to Renaissance fairs. Wise ones enjoy dragons, wizards, and mythical eras like Atlantis, Avalon, and Lemuria.


Earth Angel Realms - Hybrids, Shapeshifters, and Evolving Souls

If lightworkers feel they don't fit into one of the other Earth angel realms, they may possibly be a hybrid, shapeshifter, or evolving soul. Hybrid realms include the blended mystic angels (half wise one and half incarnated angel) and star-mers (half starperson and half merperson) for example.

Leprechauns (half wise one and half incarnated elemental) like to be silly sometimes and serious other times; they tend to wear green or earth-tone colors and enjoy telling stories and playing practical jokes.

Merpeople, also of the blended realms, have an affinity to water, tend to have long, red hair, have greenish eyes, and love animals like dolphins, whales, seahorses, and dragonflies.

The Knights Paladin is an Earth angel realm that represents the protective side of angels. They are fascinated with knights, armor, the Round Table and Arthurian legend and often work in the armed services or police force.

Shapeshifters are dabblers that try different realms, learning what they can from each and bringing gifts of joy to others. Evolving souls also move on to various realms not fully identifying with one group but are aware they have a divine purpose.

For believers, these groups are not meant to create a belief of separation. The purpose is to help lightworkers feel more comfortable about their personalities, behaviors, and desires to be of assistance.

Discovering qualities of Earth angels may allow lightworkers to gain a sense of identity and understanding as they attempt to figure out their personal and spiritual purposes.



Incarnated Angels and Starpeople  by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D.

People have come from all over the universe to live upon earth. In my private psychic counseling practice, I've been able to get to know many people whose origins are not of this earth. I've learned that there are many incarnated extraterrestrials (ETs), angels, and walk-ins upon the planet right now.

The first time I worked with an incarnated ET—what I call a "star person," I was startled. She defied all of my stereotypes about extraterrestrials. She looked a lot like an ordinary person (although there are some subtle, but key physical distinctions among star people, that I've listed below). Yet, until I psychically discerned that she was working with a spacecraft, I had no clue that she wasn't from the earth.

When I told my client that I was seeing her working and traveling on a large spacecraft, she readily agreed. She, unlike some of my subsequent star person clients, was very aware of her originations. Since working with this first star person, I've had the opportunity to work with a dozen more and I found some interesting patterns among them:

1.Star people have eyes that are shaped like crescents with the bars pointing down, such as on a letter "n."
Think of Bette Midler's eyes, and you've got the picture. Most incarnated star people have small bones, and are thin and short in stature. They tend to have very plain facial features, and most of them dress very casually. They have auras with stripes pointing away from the body, with the colorings of rainbows.

2.Their life purposes are to "help as needed."
They don't usually have a specific life purpose, but instead, they've agreed to help whomever needs help. So, they frequently have ordinary jobs where they can reach a lot of people through their encouraging words and uplifting attitudes.

3.They have very little tolerance for dishonesty and violence.
They came from planets where these traits are nonexistent, so they do not know how to cope with humans who are inauthentic, manipulative, or violent. Because of this lack of "coping skills" with common earth problems, incarnated ETs are often mislabeled with psychiatric disorders, including attention deficit disorder (ADD).

4.Because their planets have different customs about family life, childbirth, reproduction, and sex, many star people don't contract to have earthly marriages or children.
They feel out-of-sync with the typical American romantic images, because this isn't their style. In addition, they know that family life would interfere with the lightwork that they contracted to do during their lifetime. Very often, female star persons fall in love with a much-younger man, who is a soul mate from their star group.

5. Star people know, deep down, that they aren't from the earth.
They often spend their lives feeling like they don't fit-in or belong here. One star person said, "I've always had this sense that I was dropped off here, on this planet, and I've been waiting for someone to return and take me home." Such feelings bring up issues of abandonment for star people.

The other people whom I've gotten to know in my private practice is the incarnated angels. They, too, have distinguishing characteristics:

1. Incarnated angels have "sweet" facial features, usually with a heart-shaped face and childlike features.

2. They have a history of "codependent" relationships, because of their predisposition to giving and nurturing others. They also can see the best in everyone, so they often stay in abusive relationships longer than the average person would tolerate.

3. Incarnated angels often have histories of compulsive overeating, or other addictions. This is especially true for angels who are disconnected from their spirituality.

4. They are natural healers and helpers, and often have healing professions such as nursing, massage therapy, social work, or teaching. Strangers pour out their hearts to them, and often say, "I don't know why I'm telling you such private things about myself. There's just something about you that I feel I can trust."

5. Incarnated angels are very generous people who sometimes have difficulty in receiving. Consequently, they can manifest lack in their lives by blocking the flow of money, love, energy, and other natural resources, from coming into their lives.

Both groups — the star people and incarnated angels — are highly intuitive. Yet, they often have difficulty trusting their intuition. Partially, this comes from years of trying to adapt to earth life. After all, the customs here are so foreign to their natural inclinations, that star people and incarnated angels eventually learn to discount their inner feelings.

If you wonder whether you belong to either one of these groups, then your inner guidance can tell you more. Before you go to sleep, say this affirmation to your higher self and spiritual group: "Please give me a dream with clear messages about my origin, that I will easily remember upon awakening." You might also write this phrase on some paper and place it under your pillow. When your subconscious is emotionally prepared, you will have a vivid lucid dream that will help you to understand more about yourself. Star people and incarnated angels have many gifts to give to the world, including love, light, and lessons. My prayer is that, if you are among these groups, you will allow yourself to enjoy your time on this planet. I hope that you will open your heart to receiving the gifts that earth and her population can give to you, too.


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